I did an oracle card reading for myself this morning and the card Vegetarian showed up for me of letting go in 2017! Leaving behind what didn’t serve me! Not being surprised at all considering I have added many poor eating habits back into my life with the weight gain of seventeen pounds since 2014. I realize it’s emotional weight gain considering my circumstance and choosing sugar over a fruit and salty foods over fresh veggies. Being the age that I am with my only child leaving the province for work its so easy to not think and socialize with friends drinking beer, eating wings, nachos and many fish and chips later and this is all fun, but now I want to make different choices of higher vibration foods because with energy work it will help me with my clarity and help to achieve my goals, visions, and dreams and mostly my family don’t want to lose me. What will be my plan when I have failed many times before?

Food is the main human fuel for life! It helps the body to function and myself living on a very poor diet for many years, in 2014 my body said enough is enough and I experienced Adrenal Fatigue. Starting today, tomorrow or on January 7th many people will give up this holiday gorging and will go on a “diet” to lose weight and this will be the year… It doesn’t matter when you begin many men and women will feel deprived before long, get busy and turn to “take out” and with no real plan and prep their old habits will creep back and the feeling of this diet is to hard or failure will leave them daunted.

This is “Reality”!

I’ve been there many times before but this time I’m going back to my holistic nutrition knowledge and understanding the habits around the who, what, when, where, why and the how this keeps happening and I would love you to come on the journey with me!

Yes, “Habits”!

Nutritional habits and they are a challenge to change but when you understand your habits that are holding you back and you are willing to change them it will be magical!

How bad do you want this? Where do you feel the energy in your body when you think of losing weight? How bad do you want to experience the free will to move, the feeling of being alive, truly living, the feeling of space where good feelings are in your belly, your thoughts are clear, and your choices are action driven for results of living a long life?  It’s time to love yourself!

The good news in letting go of this garbage that we were taught at a very young age about food and holiday eating …  We just may shed all that emotional weight that we are carrying around our waist. This weight is weighing us down from our dreams, desires, visions, and aspirations and it all began with a nutritional habit!

Remember, the focus on food and the socialization around eating and family dynamics were imprinted into you at a very early age in your life and we are about to change this through the proper tools and choices.

The key words are “early on in our life” but we can shift them, through our choices, before our poor choices shift us with the trend of obesity and cardiovascular disease. In a blink of an eye, a stroke can happen to anyone of us and this became real for me on December 23 of 2017. I picked up the phone and not thinking I was getting a phone call letting me know that my brother had a mini-stoke. This phone call was terrifying for me with the thoughts of losing my loved one. I shed tears that day and made promises that I will not hold back those lifestyle habits because we both have the same blood running through our veins and why am I any different than him. Why should I put my family through this when I can destroy those bad habits of mine?  and by sharing my journey it could be the encouragement you need, or you may need an accountability coach and I am here for you. I do offer a Clarity Session and they are powerful! I believe more powerful than

We need to touch the earth more, eat a wholesome diet with lots of berries, move in nature off busy streets and learn to breathe.

getting a fortune reading!

I have 25 pounds to shed and I have my dates of achievement set to achieve this goal. I work on a 90-day plan and I would love to share this with you. Your welcome to reach out to me! But I do know that diets don’t work for me … the feeling of deprivation sets in quickly!

I will be blogging daily little clips of Nutritional habits for the next few days and see where this will go! The post will not be long like this one and kept as minimum and valuable as possible. I truly believe that attacking big task like twenty-five pounds is an elephant so that’s why we will change #onebiteatatime and I promise with my experience, we got this, with this plan if we are willing to work hard and believe!

Raising our vibration through food, exercise and thoughts and a little bit of planning we will knock those bad habits to the curb. As my husband was saying all day yesterday, “out with the old and in with the new”!

Healthy, Happy and loving ourselves!

Much love,


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