As a Midlife Woman, we seek a simple tool to help us through life challenges. I have worked with women for a long time, and the Key is Self-Awareness. It’s extremely rewarding when a client’s face begins to glow with hope, joy or a new appreciation for the life they are living. Just yesterday, this happened. My heart is still full with gratitude for this woman’s breakthrough of consciousness.

When we practice mindful meditation consistently, we gain an inner calm that will help us deal with many challenges. How often have we become so stressed that we have consciously avoided thinking about our problems, which then the problem expands as we become more stressed from avoidance?

 I’ve had days where it may feel easier not to think at all. To avoid thinking in the long run. This is not a good game plan, and reality will take over. This has been a continued mistake of mine, doing what I feel I should, to please people/society and not within the truth of self.

I see women dealing with their problems and not realizing they are avoiding the problem through addiction. We all say we are not addicted, but have you caught yourself stress-eating, having a glass of wine or scrolling social media to avoid dealing with the present moment?

 You can design a healthy coping plan with the help of a professional. I have helped in my energy therapy coaching sessions to really tap into what works for them at a soul level and they have great success, a lifetime breakthrough.

Mindfulness is a skill that keeps us focused on the present moment and helps us deal with our problems rather than avoid them. Plus, it’s way less lonely and lighter being true to self and taking an active part in our thinking process instead of remaining passive. This can be healed in energy therapy because it’s an unhealthy habit that you were not born with. 

Becoming more self-aware is a skill that can be learned. It’s one of the best learned skills at Midlife, and it opens up opportunities and possibilities with a daily practice of living in the present moment. 

“The more we practice, the better connect to our own needs & wants”

These are results that studies have proven to be true.

  • Less stress-related illnesses
  • Better sleeping habits
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Better immune system
  • More energy
  • Better pain management
  • Better decision-making ability
  • Greater resilience when faced with adversity

Are you aware that when our emotional state suffers, so does our body?  

It’s all interconnected in our thought process, our thoughts are like magnets they attract. We do need both positive and negative and this is the secret to this practice that you will learn as we practice and become more self-aware.

Stress is so hard on our body physically. Thankfully, mindfulness practice not only improves our mental health but our physical health, as well.

I hope this has been helpful but I Will leave this below with you because it’s golden information to us aging women.

Studies have shown that three months of regular meditation has affected enzyme activity that controls how we age. This important finding could link meditation to a slowing of the aging process”.

How cool is this?
 I’ve personally seen the results of this study within myself.

Respect before Love,
Angela XOXO

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