We all know that in Newfoundland the kitchen is the most important room of the house and this knowledge goes way back into history many generations and many kitchen parties later. It’s been known as the “heart of the home”, where for many years food was prepared with love… lots of love!

Our heart is missing this connection with the busy lifestyles we are leading today, we are choosing time away from our kitchen and the health of the heart is literally being affected in many ways from love, loneliness, chaos, to unhealthy habits … our busy lives are causing us to have an unhealthy lifestyle with the risk of illness.

Think about this for a moment! If we are not giving ourselves time to organize, prep and prepare while spending time with our own thoughts or loved ones like our ancestors did! what are we doing? The facts are we are infusing other people’s energy into our food through their food prepping, cooking and serving and how sure are we that this is healthy. Think about this!

I am off topic because that could be negative, unloved, nasty energy and that’s not what we want coming home to our kitchen with our loved ones. We want our love, our energy infused into our food and kitchen!

Let’s go back to our kitchen…

A kitchen that can promote healthy eating habits from supplying your diet with fruit and veggies and lean meats and all the utensils, spices that you need to make it easier to prepare more meals at home with fewer frustrations.

Eating healthy begins in the kitchen!

The fridge….

The feeling is so refreshing when you open the fridge door and all the colors of the rainbow are looking back at you! Bright, clean with the healthy foods being visible. Have you ever thought to bring the fruit and vegetables from the crisper drawer to the top shelf? I love this, it makes me so happy and food prepping your veggies and small snacks in small snack size bags with clean cut up veggies and fruit stored in the fridge in a visible container. Food prepping makes life so easy! I haven’t done this lately but with two tubs of hummus in the fridge that needs to be eaten, it’s a great idea. An awesome idea for grabbing and going especially for children’s snacks.

I love a clean organized fridge!


Organize your pantry in sections, easy to reach and go and any foods that are in your pantry that doesn’t fit in the Healthy eating remove from the pantry that you regularly go to and place in a far up cupboard out of reach. Think before you reach. “out of sight, out of mind”.


Can make some awesome veggie pasta.

Kitchen Scales, Measuring cups and Spoons…

This was a dig for me today. My food scales haven’t been used for a very long time. You need these close to you, not in a cupboard. It’s always important to measure your food for portion control. Using the correct measurements and weight will keep you on a healthier nutrition plan.

Of course, there are many more tools and I have a kitchen inventory list of all you need for your kitchen. Which I will be doing this soon myself because I now have four frying pans in my cupboard and how did this happen? We purchase something new and we keep the old. It’s time to organize my kitchen! for now, I’m going to work on a clean fridge and measuring tools and my pantry.

A habit in the right direction!

Good luck with your fridge cleaning and get out these measuring tools and cutting board. You’re

going to need it for food prepping your food for a healthier you!

Healthy, Happy and loving ourselves!

Much love,


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