By  2015 …

 I made a decision that wellness would be my road and I knew in my heart that I wanted to travel on the Natural Road back to health. So I began my journey by building a Career in Natural Alternative Medicine but at the time I wasn’t sure how this would look.

It’s one thing and the only thing that I know for sure is that I was born in this world with an entrepreneurial spirit and this is my strength and No obstacle can take this away from me.

I proved this in 2019/20 when I was faced with one obstacle after another.

Has it made me stronger as an entrepreneurial spirit?

 Idk!! But my guess is Yes!

 Today, is my 49th birthday and I am a heartfelt survivor!

I believe in Vision Boards and the past few months I have been looking at my board with a 50th Birthday Celebration of myself as healthy, wealthy and wise. Successful Angela!!

I believe that my journey of obstacles these past few months came with many exterior problems of a little weight gain, little less in my bank account and much future doubt!!

 But the growth, the strength and the heart wisdom that came with these past few months, are a gift from the universe. 

Again, the one thing that I know for sure is that I was born in the world with an entrepreneurial spirit and this is my strength and no obstacle can take this away from me, only death.

 But my self doubt can keep my entrepreneurial spirit from growing because another message that I received is that Self-love will always be my healing and if I forget about myself the universe will nudge me every time. 

I truly believe that the universe has my back and I’m on this journey trying to figure this out because I am being nudged right now in my 49th year, into something greater than I could ever imagine. 

I see greatness in others within two minutes of talking to them.

 This is my gift to see another person’s beauty but its very difficult for me to see my own beauty and its been a lifetime struggle of mine.

When I was 13years old I went to WW to lose five pounds and my whole life I keep telling myself that I would do that to if I were their size. 

“It’s so easy for her because she is the perfect size”, I say to myself. 

I was told many times in my lifetime that I looked better dressed up, makeup on and casual didn’t look good on me. I had to be put together, the whole package to show up in this world. 

How Sad is this!! This is like kicking the free spirit to the curb and I still at 49 hear this in my head somedays. 

These are the thoughts that keep us very small and in our head but blocks our full potential.

Let’s kick these thoughts to the curb and bring back our true spirit and start living, thriving and loving the shit out of ourselves!

Let’s transmute this energy to beautiful light iridescent colour and let’s take our mask off and shine this iridescent colour through us and upward and outward!

My plan of action is to begin with my reiki self-treatments and transmute these past false truths to beautiful self-love to myself.

I have helped many people transmute thoughts and bring back their beauty and I welcome you to this beautiful tribe of worthy spirits. 

From my heart to yours,


Ps. Come celebrate with me and sign up to my Monthly Newsletter by accepting a free gift that I am giving you of my 2014 story of my illness and how I transmuted it into a beautiful love story of helping others on their own love journey. 

This story is sold on Amazon and it’s yours for free.

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