Being a little girl, maybe I watched the royal wedding at a young age, but always my dream was to get married, have a little home on lots of land, with a white picket fence. I knew I was to marry a tall, dark handsome man and my plan was six children. I know six children, I had one child and I quickly put the breaks on that dream!

One day when I least expected it, I was young and single, and I looked in a distance and I saw this handsome man that I took one look at and said, to my friend, “I’m going to marry him” and I did, it’s now today 22years later.

Today, I want to wish my beautiful husband a Happy Anniversary. I look forward to many more, but i will never take our relationship for granted, we are together today, but no guarantees for tomorrow. xo

Today, I want to wish my beautiful husband a Happy Anniversary. I look forward to many more, but i will never take our relationship for granted, we are together today, but no guarantees for tomorrow.So, I will choose to love you today! xo

We married on Friday 13th just like today, it was my 23rd birthday. What I didn’t know on my 23rd birthday was, I was about to marry my best friend. I know your all rolling your eyes, all of our intentions are to marry our best friend, but it was different because I only knew him for a short time. I married him with no expectations, people thought it was a joke, us marrying. Myself being stubborn I was more determined it wouldn’t end.

Through the next few years, I will admit I fell madly in love with him. I remember clearly it was a night at the movies. I walked out of the bathroom of the theatre and I clearly remember him stood up by the wall waiting for me, and I looked at him with new eyes and a full heart. I stopped in my tracks, almost got weak and the feeling that came over me was pure love. I knew he was the man, at that time he was an awesome husband, father and a good person and I had no doubt that I loved him. Why am I telling you this?

We bought a house, got married and had a child within one year. What I didn’t expect it to be, was difficult. We had zero money… a new home, bills, we planned a wedding on zero dollars and then we had a great idea to have a baby. Embarrassed to say, when I lived home I didn’t do any chores either. Stir all this together and it was messy, real messy, but we learned quickly to compromise and work together.

We didn’t know that it was going to be the hardest year of both of our lives and we would both survive it. I always joke that it was only one thing that kept us together and that was the length of our driveway. How many times did I walk down our driveway, by the time I reached the bottom, I would turn around and come back up, walk in and face it again. So give yourself space to breathe, walk away, think before reacting and always remember you cannot take back your words or actions, so choose wisely.

I married at 23 years old, I learned quickly that life was not easy, but with determination and mostly compromise, it can be as beautiful as you wish. I am very lucky to have found my husband, but as I continue to say, “My husband and I have the relationship we have because we enhance each other”, we would both be very different people with someone else.

Today, I want to wish my beautiful husband a Happy Anniversary, I look forward to many more, but I will never take our relationship for granted, we are together today, but we have no guarantees for tomorrow. So, I will choose to love you today!

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